Tuesday 17 May 2011

Positive changes that came from the Insustrial Revolution

I do believe that the Industrial Revolution benefited some because many new inventions were created and it renewed interest in scientific discovery. It also strengthened the economy and forever changed city life, (for example, the invention of cars made transportation easier, also the cars were more affordable when they were mass produced) and the social class structure (ex. workers worked in the factories for many hours a day, upper class did little, but enjoyed all the benefits). The production of machinery led to technology being viewed in a whole new way. People learned that things that were once thought impossible, were being made possible. Like the cars, many goods were widely available because they were being mass produced, which made the prices drop because the more of an item that is available, the less valuable it is, therefore it costs less. Also education became free, there were more health benefits available to those who needed it (children and workers), transportation improved, and pensions were introduced. All these things made people happier, and the government was safer from rebellion.

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