Tuesday 17 May 2011

Investigative Question

The Investigative Question for this assignment is "Britain went through many changes during the Industrial Revolution and these changes brought benefits for everyone." I do not fully agree with this statement, nor do I fully disagree with this statement. Do I think the Industrial Revolution benefited everyone? Yes and no. I believe in the long run, it benefited most, but not if you died while working in the factories or the mines. Yes, I agree, in the end there were many good outcomes were created from the Industrial Revolution. But my question is: were the short term hardships worth the long term benefits? And how can we know? For example, how can we determine the value of ones life compared to another? Would the life of one from a working class be equal to one from a upper class? No? What about two workers for one upper class member? Who has the right to put the labels on ones life? I believe that every person is equal, no matter what their rank is. I don't think it would be right to kill a lower class person, just to help benefit someone from a higher class. With that in mind, would the sacrifice of many workers lives during the Industrial Revolution be okay because it largely benefited Britain?

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