Tuesday, 17 May 2011

Child Labor

When it comes to the Industrial Revolution, I believe the biggest downfall would be child labor. Children were mistreated, and died at a far too young age. Child labor only benefited factory workers who could pay them ridiculously low wages. They could also be controlled easier, and if they didn't do as the were told, the owners used violent beatings to get them to follow their rules. Kids also had smaller hands so they could reach into the machines and fix problems that adults hands would be too large to do so. Children also adapted to the new methods better than the adults, and the were not as prone to question the owners intentions. Children worked in dangerous factories, sometimes for more than 12 hours a day (kids could be forced to work up to 18 hours a day, as young as age 8). Some child workers died in the factory, while other died from having the black lung from working in the mines. Kids growth was also stunted, and they became very sick. Child labor did not only affect the children physically, but also mentally. Child labor led to the breakdown of the family unit since the kids and parents would be at work for most of the day, they spent little time together. Women and children were sent out to work, making up seventy-five percent of early workers. Kids got very little education, and they grew up maladjusted because they never learned how to behave properly. The living conditions were horrible, but children were even more sensitive because of their weak immune systems and poor health. Infant mortality skyrocketed, and fifty percent of infants died before the age of two.

The video attached to this video hit me hard from an emotional perspective. I'm sure everyone knows someone around the ages of these children shown. Imagine what it would be like if someone you knew at this age, was forced into child labor. They would have to grow up faster than anyone would ever want to, or be able to. Imagine how confusing this would be for a child. To have to understand the concept of working, that takes many of us nowadays years to get used to. These children did not have years, they did not have enough time. Enough time to grow and enjoy their lives.Many young kids died, way before their time. The title of this video "Beyond their years" is simply what I mean above. This kids did work beyond their abilities, beyond what they should be asked to do. They were doing the work of adults. And it was extremely dangerous.

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